
September 2, 2011

Vintage Wedding ✿ Inspired DIY Ideas No. 1

So now that I have shared with you some of my favorite vintage inspired wedding ideas, I thought I could expand the idea and create some DIY posts. Of course, for the most part, I offer these services but I just figure that you are either going to hire someone to do it for you or you are the type of person to do it yourself and if I don't share then you can find the inspiration somewhere else. I rather be a one-stop-shop for your vintage wedding needs.

September 1, 2011

Do You Take Me...

I'm IN LOVE with vintage...I admit it. And during the course of my courtship with it I have fallen deeply in love with the vintage inspired wedding theme, so much so that I am most of the way committed to expanding my business to wedding planning. Now this is coming from someone who has been married for 16 years, was married in Las Vegas, and has NEVER EVER had that twinge of "ohhhhhh I wish I had had a big wedding". I am completely content with the fact that I got married with short notice and little hoopla...just fits my personality. But now that I have had the opportunity to work with some brides in helping them create their seating charts, menus, photo frame with my antique and vintage windows I have begun to see the allure of planning A wedding, anyone's wedding other than mine or one that requires MY money! hahaha