
June 20, 2011

Have You Got That RUNNING IN CIRCLES Feeling?

Truly, I amaze myself sometimes! Not always in a good way. I am one of the most easily side-tracked people that I know. I have started and stopped this post about a dozen times, not just the blog aspect of it, but the addition of the information to my website. I have also promised about 1/4 of a dozen times that I am about to launch a new GIVEAWAY, but alas...I have not. The one thing that I can say with absolute delight and conviction about myself is that I AM TOTALLY UNPREDICTABLE. So love me for what I am or bug off (no, please don't bug off, but you get the general vibe.)!!!! Thanks, as always and forever, my faithful readers.

Manufactured by:  Hocking Glass Company
Years Manufactured: 1930's
Category of Glass: Depression Glass
Colors: Crystal, Green, Pink

Circle-Crystal Tall Sherbet
Circle-Green Low Sherbet
There were approximately 23 pieces made in the Circle pattern. 5 of the pieces are bowls, 4 are plates, and there are 4 tumblers. Bowls are apparently extremely difficult to find in complete sets, therefore this rarity has driven the prices up on bowls considerably. Other than the potentially high cost of the bowls, Circle in considered to be a fairly inexpensive pattern to collect, but not always easily found. There were very few pieces made in this pattern, so there aren't as many survivors as there are in other patterns. Pink was produced in a limited number, so it is mostly found in luncheon sets, and even the, very infrequently. Crystal is found only in stems or stems with green. Green is the color most  readily found, however, there are definite variances in the shades of the green pieces which can make it difficult to create a uniform set, but the difference aren't great enough to detract from a collection of green Circle, to me and many other collectors and experts this just adds to the interest and desirability of the pattern.

Circle-Green Bread & Butter Plate