
July 25, 2011

A Moment In Time ♥ Eight

Scarlett and Brogan ♥ August 2007


  1. So cute! No wonder why you have so many! ; ) xo

  2. I have to comend you, doing this and raising 7 kids. One big happy family. You don't see this like you did when I was growing up. My dad wanted a dozen, but my mother said NO after 4. I was the oldest and a brat, you would have thought she would have quit after me.

  3. Jewel, thanks! ♥

    Leigh, we always tease that if our 6th would have been our 1st she would have been our last. lol But she is a good girl too, just like the rest, a bit more attitude challenged though. ;) Wait until you see the post I've been working on, it is about the kids. Good thing you grew up to be sweet. ☺
