
July 19, 2011

A Moment In Time ♥ Four


  1. Congrats to you. My husband was (and is) a Marine ~ Vietnam Vet. Semper Fi!

  2. Thanks!!! I was so excited and honored. I've become really great friends with some Vietnam Vets via facebook. Our oldest son, Shane (23), is a LCpl in the Marines, Echo Company 2nd Bn, 3rd Marines; so same company (Vietnam Era), that bestowed this honor on me. Shane just got back from his first tour in Afghanistan and unfortunately already has new deployment orders. He is stationed in Hawaii, but is currently enjoying some time off with his bride, in California. They married May of 2010, and by the time he came back from Afghanistan they had only spent approximately 11 days together their first year of marriage. ♥ Semper Fi!
